a little peak of my february to april

Well I did it again…I got behind on blogging. I said I wouldn’t go there again but I did! I wouldn’t feel like my blog was complete without representing a small sampling of the sessions from February to April so without further ado…here are are some of the sessions I never had a chance to blog.
blog sessions

miss quincy. first birthday lifestyle photo session

oh it is so much fun taking pictures of people who share the same love for photography that i do. this family was all about capturing the essence of who their daughter is and who they are as a family which i LOOOOOOVE! we went for “a day in the life of” feel mixing in home and an outside location around the corner from their house. quincy is close to turning one and is doing all kinds of tricks now so it was the perfect time to get it on camera. i just love her and her puppy, sox, together. they are so snuggly! miranda + brad: i loved working with you guys. it has been so much fun getting to know you guys. thanks so much for choosing me to be your photographer!


caroline + bentley. houston senior photographer

You know that awesome feeling when you realize that your job is actually really fun? This session was one of those times where I was full of gratitude thinking about how enjoyable and fun my job can be! Caroline made it easy for me with her down to earth, warm personality and comfort in front of the camera…not to mention she is clearly gorgeous. And how cool is it to have a horse in your senior photos. I had my dog in my senior photos and I thought that was pretty cool…but a horse?! Caroline and her mom are so adorable together and kept me laughing the whole time.

This senior has a bright future ahead of her. Whichever school she decides to go to will be so lucky to have her.

Caroline + Janine, thank you from the bottom of my heart for hiring me. I have really enjoyed working with you. Bentley – you were a champ too;)

senior photographer 2016-2-6


a little peak of my october to december

so…admittedly i accepted WAY too much work for the last few months..but how can you turn down returning clients who you love with all your heart!? that is very hard to do…so i didn’t, ha! and therefore, something had to give, and instead of passing up clients i love, i just gave up with blogging. i want to feel a little sense of “i’m caught up” so i’m posting a little picture from each of the 30+ sessions i wasn’t able to blog those months. some we are keeping secret because they will be given as gifts or i wasn’t able to blog for one reason or the other but for the most part…here they are! lots of exciting stuff happened over the holidays – baby’s were born, milestones were reached, family came in town…and on and on. i am SO happy i was able to be a part of it. thank you client friends! i adore you!
…and we have a little news of our own! we found out that we’re having a girl. she’ll be due in may. we are all looking forward to adding a little pink into the mix at the garvey house!

sarah - These are amazing kelly!!! Congrats on your new addition! So exciting!

happy birthday ky. houston lifestyle session

This is one of my very best friends, Jenn. She is an amazing photographer and awesome friend to me; beautiful on the inside and outside too. We have been through so much together through the years. We can say anything to each other and I love it. Everyone needs a friend like that!
Jenn has a very different photography style than I but we still love and appreciate each other’s work so much that we are able to swap sessions from time to time and it is SO nice having each other for this. This is Jenn’s home studio…it’s beautiful and white and bright. So Jenn.
This is her new kitchen in the gorgeous home that her architect husband, Kelly Cusimano created for them. It is the perfect setting for a big FIRST birthday celebration so that’s just what we did. Happy Birthday Ky! You are so precious.
I can’t wait to give Jenn these pictures. I get to see her tonight when we celebrate her birthday that actually happened over the summer! (Better late than never right?). We actually shot this session a while ago. Jenn’s pictures got pushed back because of my client work and although I felt bad, she totally understood since she’s a photographer too.
Jenn and Kelly – I LOVE your family so much and yall mean so much to me! These kids are precious to me and I am so excited for our next get together where we can all hang out. It’s so fun watching each other’s families grow together!
It was really fun getting time with you guys all to myself! I loved playing around with all of the great spaces around your house. Thank you SO much for asking me to do this!
Jenn, I love our friendship! I love that we have so much in common and we have kids that are close in age and that even our architect husband’s have a lot to talk about. Love you!

Bobbijo - What a beautiful family and home! But really who has a kitchen that clean??! 🙂

Great images!